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The Huff Cup



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2024 Huff Cup – Blue Ridge Trail

Team Lebber 12.5 - Team Flop 7.5

Better Ball Results - Team Lebber 3.5 – 1.5

R.Baglio/J. Shanahan (Flop) defeated P. Shanahan /F. Shanahan (Lebber) 3 & 2

T. Hinckle/K. Shanahan (Lebber) halved K. Gallagher/A. Phillips (Flop)

J. Lennon/M. Noel (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski/C. Shanahan (Flop) 1 up

B. Ferraro/D. Hinckle (Lebber) defeated P. Libby/M. Wiley (Flop) 1 up

J. Von Rosenberg /D. Leibovitz (Lebber) defeated J. Huffman/C. Schlegel (Flop) 2 & 1

Singles Matches - Team Lebber 6 - 4

J. Shanahan (Flop) defeated P. Shanahan (Lebber) 3 & 1

F. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated R. Baglio (Flop) 4 & 3

K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated K. Gallagher (Flop) 3 & 2

T. Hinckle (Lebber) defeated A. Phillips (Flop) 4 & 3

J. Lennon (Lebber) defeated C. Shanahan (Flop) 4 & 3

W. Lopacinski (Flop) defeated M. Noel (Lebber) 3 & 2

D. Hinckle (Lebber) defeated M. Wiley (Flop) 1 up

P. Libby (Flop) defeated B. Ferraro (Lebber) 2 & 1

J. Huffman (Flop) defeated D. Leibovitz (Lebber) defeated 2 & 1

J. Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated C. Schlegel (Flop) 4 & 3

Alternate shot - Team Lebber 3-2

D. Hinckle/J. Lennon (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski/J. Shanahan (Flop) 1 up

C. Schlegel/B. Shanahan (Flop) defeated F. Shanahan/K. Shanahan (Lebber) 3 & 1

P. Shanahan/J. Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated K. Gallagher/C. Shanahan (Flop) 2 up

R. Baglio/A. Phillips (Flop) defeated 1 up D. Leibovitz/B. Ferraro (Lebber) 3 & 2

T. Hinckle/M. Noel (Lebber) defeated P. Libby/M. Wiley (Flop) 2 up


2023 Huff Cup – Blue Ridge Trail

Team Lebber 11.5 - Team Flop 8.5

Better Ball Results - Team Lebber 3.5 – 1.5

E. Graham/J. Shanahan (Flop) defeated B. Ferraro /K. Shanahan (Lebber) 1 up

J.Lennon/Toebe Hinckle (Lebber) defeated C. Schlegel/W. Shanahan (Flop) 1 up

M.Noel/D. Hinckle (Lebber) defeated P. Libby/M. Wiley (Flop) 1 up

F. Shanahan/P. Shanahan (Lebber) halved W. Lopacinski/R. Baglio (Flop)

J. Von Rosenberg /D. Leibovitz (Lebber) defeated J. Huffman/C. Shanahan (Flop) 5&4

Singles Matches - Team Flopacinski 6 - 4

C. Schlegel (Flop) defeated J. Lennon (Lebber) 1 up

F. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated R. Baglio (Flop) 4&2

W. Shanahan (Flop) defeated T. Hinckle (Lebber) 3&2

M. Wiley (Flop) defeated D. Hinckle (Lebber) 3&2

M. Noel (Lebber) defeated P. Libby (Flop) 3&2

D. Leibovitz (Lebber) defeated J. Huffman (Flop) 4&3

W. Lopacinski (Flop) defeated P. Shanahan (Lebber) 1 up

J. Von Rosenberg (Lebber) halved C. Shanahan (Flop)

B. Ferraro (Lebber) halved E. Graham (Flop)

J. Shanahan (Flop) defeated K. Shanahan (Lebber) 2 & 1

Alternate shot - Team Lebber 4-1
C. Schlegel/W. Shanahan (Flop) defeated T. Hinckle/M. Noel (Lebber) 4&3

D. Hinckle/J. Lennon (Lebber) defeated C. Shanahan/J. Shanahan (Flop) 1 up

P. Shanahan/J. Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated E. Graham/W. Lopacinski (Flop) 3&2

F. Shanahan/K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated R. Baglio/M. Wiley (Flop) 1 up

D. Leibovitz/B. Ferraro (Lebber) defeated P. Libby/J. Huffman (Flop) 3&2


2022 Huff Cup - Jack Frost National Golf Club, Blakeslee, PA

Team Flopacinski 10.5 - Team Lebber 9.5 

Better Ball – Team Flop 3-2

Jim Shanahan/Peter Libby (Flop) defeated Toebe Hinckle/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) 1 up

Rob Baglio/Dan Giannetto (Flop) halved Dan Leibovitzi/ Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber)

Jerry Huffman/Michael Wiley (Flop) defeated Matthew Noel/Jason Lennon (Lebber) 1 up

Dan Hinckle/Pat Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Will Lopacinski/Connor Schlegel (Flop) 1 up

John Phipps (Flop) halved Bobby Ferraro (Lebber) 

Singles Matches – Team Lebber 5.5 – 4.5

John Phipps (Flop) defeated Bobby Ferraro (Lebber) 2 & 1

Jason Lennon (Lebber) defeated Michael Wiley (Flop) 1 up

Matthew Noel (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Flop) 2 up

Dan Giannetto (Flop) defeated Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) 2 & 1

Dan Leibovitz (Lebber) defeated Rob Baglio (Flop) 3 & 2  

Jim Shanahan (Flop) defeated Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) 4 & 3 

Peter Libby (Flop) defeated Toebe Hinckle (Lebber) 3 & 1

Dan Hinckle (Lebber) halved Will Lopacinsnki (Flop)

Matthew Noel (Lebber) defeated Rob Baglio (Flop) 3 & 2

Pat Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Connor Schlegel (Flop) 3 & 2

Alternate Shot – Team Flop 3-3

Jim Shanahan/Connor Schlegel (Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle/Pat Shanahan (Lebber) 2 &1 

Toebe Hinckle (Lebber) defeated Petter Libby (Flop) 2 up

Dan Giannetto/John Phipps (Flop) defeated Dan Leibovitzi/ Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) 3 & 2 

Matthew Noel/Bobby Ferraro (Lebber) defeated Rob Baglio/Jerry Huffman (Flop) 2 up

Will Lopacinski/Michael Wiley (Flop) defeated Jason Lennon/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) 2 up

Toebe Hinckle (Lebber) defeated Peter Libby (Flop) 1 up




2021 Huff Cup – Blue Ridge Trail, Mountain Top, PA

Team Lebber 13.5 – Team Flopacinski 5.5

Better Ball – Team Lebber 3-2

Toebe Hinckle/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Will Lopackinski/ Jerry Huffman (Flop) 3 & 2

Tom Kanyok/Jason Lennon (Lebber) defeated Brian Shanahan/John Phipps (Flop) 2 & 1

Dan Hinckle/Matthew Noel (Lebber) defeated Michael Wiley/Rob Baglio (Flop) 2 up

Jim Shanahan/Ernie Graham (Flop) defeated Pat Shanahan /Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) 1 up

Peter Libby (Flop) defeated Bobby Ferraro (Lebber) 3 & 2

Singles Matches – Team Lebber 6.5 – 2.5

Brian Shanahan (Flop) defeated Tom Kanyok (Lebber) 2 up

Jason Lennon (Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Flop) 5 & 4

Jerry Huffman (Flop) defeated Toebe Hinckle (Lebber) 4 & 3

Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Will Lopacinski (Flop) 2 & 1

Dan Hinckle (Lebber) halved Michael Wiley (Flop)

Matthew Noel (Lebber) defeated Rob Baglio (Flop) 3 & 2

Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan (Flop) 4 & 3

Pat Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Ernie Graham (Flop) 3 & 2

Bobby Ferraro (Lebber) defeated Peter Libby (Flop) 2 & 1

Alternate Shot Matches* – Team Lebber 4-1

Jason Lennon/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan/John Phipps (Flop) 5 & 4

Matthew Noel/Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated Petter Libby/Rob Baglio (Flop) 8 & 7

Toebe Hinckle/Tom Kanyok (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman/Ernie Graham (Flop) 8 & 7

Brian Shanahan/Michael Wiley (Flop) defeated Bobby Ferraro/Pat Shanahan (Lebber) 6 & 5

Dan Hinckle (Lebber) defeated Will Lopacinski (Flop) 2 up


2020* Huff Cup – Queenstown Harbor Golf, Maryland

Team Lebber 12.5 – Team Flopacinski 8.5

Day 1—April 23

Better Ball – Tied 1.5-1.5

Jim Shanahan/Jerry Huffman (Flop) defeated Toebe Hinckle/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) 2 & 1

Dan Hinckle/Matthew Noel (Lebber) defeated Will Lopackinski/John Phipps (Flop) 1 up

Dan Leibovitz/Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) halved Rob Baglio/Brian Shanahan (Flop)

Singles Matches – Tied 3-3

Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan (Flop) 1 up

Jerry Huffman (Flops) defeated Toebe Hinckle (Lebber) 1 up

Will Lopacinski (Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle (Lebber) 2 & 1

John Phipps (Flop) defeated Matthew Noel (Lebber) 1 up

Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated Brian Shanahan (Flop) 3 & 2

Dan Leibovitz (Lebber) defeated Rob Baglio (Flop) 2 & 1

Alternate Shot Matches – Team Lebber 3-0

Toebe Hinckle/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Will Lopackinski/John Phipps (Flop) 1 up

Matthew Noel Dan Hinckle (Lebber) defeated Brian Shanahan/Rob Baglio (Flop) 5 & 3

Dan Leibovitz/Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman/Jim Shanahan (Flop) 3 &1

Day 2 – April 24, 2021

Better Ball – Team Flop 2-1

Matthew Noel/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated John Phipps/Brian Shanahan (Flop) 4 & 2

Jim Shanahan/Rob Baglio (Flop) defeated Dan Leibovitz/Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) 3 & 2

Will Lopackinski/Jerry Huffman (Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle/Toebe Hinckle (Lebber) 2 & 1

Singles Matches – Team Lebber 4-2

Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Brian Shanahan (Flop) 3 & 1

Matthew Noel (Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Flops) 5 & 4

Will Lopacinski (Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle (Lebber) 2 & 1

Toebe Hinckle (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Flop) 2 & 1

Jim Shanahan (Flop) defeated Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) 1 up

Dan Leibovitz (Lebber) defeated Rob Baglio (Flop) 5 & 3


2019 Huff Cup – Belle Springs Golf Club, Mill Hall, PA

Team Lebber 13 – Team Flopacinski 6


Better Ball - Team Lebber 3.5-1.5

Jim Shanahan (Flop) halved Dan Hinckle (Lebber) -singles match

Jason Lennon/Pat Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Peter Libby/Michael Wiley (Flop) 2 & 1 

Joe Lopresti/Will Lopacinksi (Flop) defeated Mark Farrell/Bob Ferraro (Lebber) 2 up

Matthew Noel/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated John Phipps/Brian Shanahan (Flop) 4 & 2

Dan Leibovitz/Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman/Ernie Graham (Flop) 3 & 2


Singles Matches – Team Lebber 6– 3

Jim Shanahan (Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle (Lebber) 3 & 2

Pat Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Peter Libby (Flop) 2 & 1

Mark Farrell (Lebber) defeated Joe Lopresti (Flop) 2 up

Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Brian Shanahan (Flop) 2 & 1

Matthew Noel (Lebber) defeated John Phipps 4 & 3

Michael Wiley (Flop) defeated Jason Lennon (Lebber) 3 & 2

Will Lopacinski (Flop) defeated Bob Ferraro (Lebber) 3 & 2

Dan Leibovitz (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Flop) 3 & 2

Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated Ernie Graham (Flop) 5 & 4 


Alternate Shot Matches – Team Lebber 3.5 – 1.5

Bob Ferraro (Lebber) havled Peter Libby (Flop) singles

Joe Lopresti/Michael Wiley (Flop) defeated Mark Farrell/Dan Hinckle Ferraro (Lebber)  2 up

Matthew Noel/Pat Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffmani/Brian Shanahan (Flop) 5 & 4

Dan Leibovitz/Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated Will Lopacinsk/Rob Baglio (Flop) 4 & 2

Jason Lennon/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan/John Phipps (Flop) 1 up


2018 Lebber Cup – Belle Springs Golf Club, Mill Hall, PA

Team Lebber 9 – Team Flopacinski 7


Better Ball - Tied 2-2

Dan Hinckle/Pat Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Peter Libby/Michael Wiley (Flop) 1 up

Joe Lopresti/Brian Shanahan (Flop) defeated Dan Leibovitz/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) 1 up

Mark Farrell, Jr/Matthew Noel (Lebber) defeated John Phipps/Jim Shanahan (Flop) 1 up

Jerry Huffman/Will Lopacinksi (Flop) defeated Bob Ferraro/Jason Lennon (Lebber) 1 up


Singles Matches – Team Lebber 4.5 – 3.5

Dan Hinckle (Lebber) defeated Michael Wiley (Flop) 1 up

Peter Libby (Flop) halved Pat Shanahan (Lebber)

Joe Lopresti (Flop) defeated Dan Leibovitz (Lebber) 2 & 1

Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Brian Shanahan (Flop) 1 up

Mark Farrell, Jr (Lebber) defeated John Phipps 2 & 1

Jim Shanahan (Flop) defeated Matthew Noel (Lebber) 1 up

Will Lopacinski (Flop) defeated Bob Ferraro (Lebber) 4 & 3

Jason Lennon (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Flop) 5 & 4


Alternate Shot Matches – Team Lebber 2.5 – 1.5

Brian Shanahan/Michael Wiley (Flop) defeated Dan Leibovitz/Bob Ferraro (Lebber)  2 & 1

Dan Hinckle/Matthew Noel (Lebber) halved Joe Lopresti/Will Lopacinski (Flop)

Mark Farrell, Jr/Pat Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan/John Phipps (Flop) 5 & 4

Jason Lennon/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman/Peter Libby (Flop) 5 &3


2017 Lebber Cup – Eagles Mere Country Club

Team Lebber 9 - Team Flopacinski 7

Known for: Threatened name change of the Lebber Cup.

Summary: The Flops object to Team Lebber inserting its worst player into the lineup.  The rationale?  Only the Flops know.  As a bargaining chip, the Flops only agree to the move on the condition that the Lebber Cup be changed to the Flop Cup if the Flops win.  The trophy vehemently objects but the Lebbers reluctantly agree.   

Turning Point: Hinckle drains a 5 footer to win his singles match against Phipps, evening the match heading into alternate shot.  Phipps looks on in disbelief as he previously believed making a 5 footer under pressure defied the laws of nature and mankind.  Notably, Phipps remained in contention until the 18th hole by avoiding hitting his driver off the tee.  On the 18th, in spite of best efforts by Captain Willy Lop to talk Phipps out of the driver, Phipps replies by saying “woof woof” (interpreted in Flopanese as “let the big dog eat”).  Phipps proceeds to set a Lebber Cup record by hitting 12 trees on one tee shot, setting up Hinckle for the victory.      

Notable: Heavy downpour made for almost unplayable conditions for three holes but the Lebbers and Flops fought through it. 

Better Ball Results - Team Flop 3 -1

  1. Dan Leibovitz/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Peter Libby/Jerry Huffman (Flop) 2 up
  2. Brian Shanahan /Michael Wiley (Flop) defeated Patrick Shanahan/Tom Kanyok (Lebber) 1 up
  3. Will Lopacinski/John Phipps (Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle /Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) 1 up
  4. Ernie Graham/Jim Shanahan (Flop) defeated Matthew Noel /Jason Lennon (Lebber) 1 up

Singles Matches - Team Lebber 5 - 3

  1. Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Flop) 3 & 1
  2. Bobby Ferraro (Lebber) defeated Peter Libby (Flop) 1 up
  3. Jim Shanahan (Flop) defeated Jason Lennon (Lebber) 3 & 2
  4. Ernie Graham (Flop) defeated Matthew Noel (Lebber) 1 up
  5. Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated Will Lopaciski (Flop) 2 & 1
  6. Patrick Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Brian Shanahan (Flop) 5 & 4
  7. Michael Wiley (Flop) defeated Tom Kanyok (Lebber) 2 up
  8. Dan Hinckle (Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Flop) 1 up

Alternate shot - Team Lebber 3 - 1

  1. J. Lennon/K. Shanahan defeated M. Wiley/P. Libby (Flop) 2 & 1
  2. J. Shanahan/E. Graham (Flop) defeated M. Noel/B. Ferraro (Lebber) defeated 2 up
  3. P. Shanahan/J. V. Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski/J. Phipps (Flop) 5 & 4
  4. D. Hinckle/T. Kanyok (Lebber) defeated B. Shanahan/J. Huffman 2 & 1

2016 Lebber Cup – Eagles Mere Country Club

Team Lebber 8.5   - Team Flopacinski 7.5

Known for: Exhausted Willy Lop can’t make it through the cup.

Summary: Team Flop’s Ernie Graham has a 25’ putt to win the cup on the last hole of alternate shot play.  He announces to no one in particular that God put an oil spot on the green to show him the break.  When interviewed after the cup, God replied, “it was bird shit.”

Turning Point: The first turning point occurs when Captain Willy Lop changes the format in mid-match and insists on 18 holes of alternate shot.  The change costs his team the cup.  Incidentally, many mistake Willy Lop for the captain of the Hindenberg and the Titanic, he wasn’t, but the confusion makes sense. 

Notable: Wiley mistakenly believes Team Flop has won the cup after he and Libby miraculously win their alternate shot match and begins the “ole” chant.  Team Lebber proceeds to win 2 more matches and halves the last, winning the cup outright.   

Better Ball Results - Team Flop 3 -1

  1. Matthew Noel/Kevin Shanahan (Lebber)  defeated Peter Libby/Michael Wiley (Flop) 1 up
  2. Jerry Huffman/Jim Shanahan (Flop) defeated Bobby Ferraro/Jason Lennon (Lebber) 3 & 2
  3. Will Lopacinski/John Phipps (Flop) defeated Patrick Shanahan/Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) 3 & 2
  4. Ernie Graham/Brian Shanahan (Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle/Tom Kanyok (Lebber) 1 up

Singles Matches - Team Lebber 5 - 3

  1. K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Michael Wiley (Flop) 1 up
  2. Peter Libby (Flop) defeated Matthew Noel (Lebber) 1 up
  3. Jason Lennon (Lebber) defeated  Jerry Huffman (Flop) 4 & 3
  4. Jim Shanahan (Flop) defeated Bobby Ferraro (Lebber) 4 & 2
  5. Jaret Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Flop) 5 & 4
  6. Patrick Shanahan (Lebber) defeated  Will Lopacinski (Flop) 1 up
  7. Tom Kanyok (Lebber) defeated Ernie Graham (Flop) 1 up
  8. Brian Shanahan (Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle (Lebber) 2 & 1

Alternate shot - Team Lebber 2.5 - 1.5

  1. M. Wiley/P. Libby (Flop) defeated J. Lennon/K. Shanahan (Lebber) 2 & 1
  2. M. Noel/B. Ferraro (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski/J. Phipps (Flop) 2 & 1
  3. D. Hinckle/T. Kanyok (Lebber) defeated J. Shanahan/J. Huffman (Flop) 3 & 2
  4. P. Shanahan/J. V. Rosenberg (Lebber) halved E. Graham/B. Shanahan (Flop)

2015 Lebber Cup – Eagles Mere Country Club

Team Flopacinski 9 - Team Lebber 7

Better Ball Results - Team Flop 3 -1

  1. Phipps/B. Shanahan (Flop) defeated P. Shanahan/D. Hinckle (Lebber) 1 up
  2. Libby/M. Wiley (Flop) defeated M. Noel/Jason Lennon (Lebber) 5 & 3
  3. Shanahan/B. Ferraro (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski/J. Huffman (Flop) 2 and 1
  4. Graham/J. Shanahan (Flop) defeated J. Von Rosenberg /D. Leibovitz (Lebber) 2 & 1

Singles Matches - Team Flopacinski 4 - 4

  1. P. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated J. Phipps (Flop) 3& 2
  2. B. Shanahan (Flop) defeated D. Hinckle (Lebber) 1 up
  3. Wiley (Flopacinski) defeated J. Lennon (Lebber) 2 &1
  4. Noel (Lebber) defeated P. Libby (Flop) 1 up
  5. K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated J. Huffman (Flop) 3 & 2
  6. Lopacinski (Flop) defeated B. Ferraro (Lebber) 4 & 3
  7. Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated E. Graham (Flop) 3 & 2
  8. J. Shanahan (Flop) 1 up defeated D. Leibovitz (Lebber) 2 & 1

Alternate shot - Team Flopacinski 2 - 2

M. Wiley/J. Shanahan (Flop) defeated J. Lennon/K. Shanahan 1 up

W. Lopacinski/J. Phipps (Flop) defeated P. Shanahan/B. Ferraro 4 & 2

Hinckle/M. Noel (Lebber) defeated P. Libby/B. Shanahan 3 & 2 

Leibovitz/J. V. Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated E. Graham/J. Huffman (Flop) 3 & 2

2014 Lebber Cup - Bucknell Golf Club
Team Flopacinski 9 - Team Lebber 7
Better Ball Results - Team Lebber 3 -1
P. Shanahan/B. Ferraro (Lebber) defeated M. Wiley/P.Libby (Flop)   1 up
M. Noel/Jason Lennon (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski/J. Phipps (Flop)  1 up
J. Shanahan/J. Huffman (Flop) defeated D. Hinckle/J. Von Rosenberg (Lebber) 2 and 1
K. Shanahan/D. Leibovitz (Lebber) defeated B. Shanahan/E. Graham (Flop) 2 up
Singles Matches - Team Flopacinski 4.5 - 3.5 
M. Wiley (Flopacinski) defeated P. Shanahan 4 & 3
P. Libby (Flopacinski) defeated B. Ferraro 2 &1
J. Lennon (Lebber) halved J. Phipps (Flop)
W. Lopacinski (Flop) defeated M. Noel 2 & 1
J. Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated J. Huffman 3 & 2
D. Hinckle (Lebber) defeated J. Shanahan 1 up
E. Graham (Flop) defeated D. Leibovitz 4 & 3
K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated B. Shanahan 2 up
Alternate shot - Team Flopacinski 3.5 - .5
E. Graham/J. Huffman (Flop) halved D. Hinckle/J. V. Rosenberg (Lebber)
P. Libby/B. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated J. Lennon/D. Leibovitz 3 & 2
M. Wiley/J. Shanahan (Flop) defeated P. Shanahan/M. Noel 4 & 3
W. Lopacinski/J. Phipps (Flop) defeated K. Shanahan/B. Ferraro 1 up
 2013 Lebber Cup - Blue Ridge Trail
Team Lebber 10.5 - Team Flopacinksi  4.5
Better Ball Results - Team Lebber 3 -1
J. Lennon/M. Noel  (Lebber) defeated B. Shanahan/R. Werner (Flopacinski) 3 and 2 
D. Hinckle/J. Von Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski/J. Huffman 4 and 3
K. Shanahan/D. Leibovitz (Lebber) defeated J. Shanahan/E. Graham (Flopacinski) 3 and 1 
M. Wiley (Flopacinski) defeated P. Shanahan (Lebber) 3 and 2 

Singles Matches Team Lebber 4-3
J. Shanahan (Flopacinski) defeated D. Hinckle  2 and 1
J. Lennon (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski 3 and 2
M. Noel (Lebber) defeated J. Huffman 3 and 2
M. Wiley (Flopacinski) defeated P. Shanahan 5 and 4
J. Von Rosenberf (Lebber) defeated B. Shanahan 1 up
E. Graham (Flopacinski) defeated D. Leibovitz 4 & 2
K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated R. Werner 4 & 3
Alternate shot - Team Lebber 3.5 - .5 
D. Hinckle/J. V. Rosenberg (Lebber) defeated J. Shanahan/J. Huffman 4 & 3
J. Lennon/K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated B. Shanahan/W. Lopacinski 3 & 2
P. Shanahan/M. Noel (Lebber) defeated M. Wiley/E. Graham 3 and 2
R.Werner (Flop) halved D. Leibovitz (Lebber) 
2012 Lebber Cup - Jack Frost National
Team Flopacinksi 6.5 - Team Lebber 5.5
Better Ball Results - Team Flop 2 -1
D. Hinckle/K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski/J. Shanahan 2 and 1
Michael Wiley/Brian Shanahan (Flopacinski) defeated Jason Lennon/Matthew Noel 2 and 1
J. Hufman/J. Phipps (Flopacinski) defeated P. Shanahan/D.Leibovitz 1 up 

Singles Matches Tied 3 -3
J. Shanahan (Flop) defeated D. Hinckle  3 and 2
K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski 2 up
M. Wiley (Flop) defeated M. Noel 2 and 1
Jason Lennon (Lebber) defeated B. Shanahan 2 up
P. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated J. Phipps 4 and 3
J. Huffman (Flop) defeated D. Leibovitz 1 up

Alternate shot - Tied 1.5 -1.5
J. Shanahan/W. Lopacinski (Flop) defeated M. Noel/D. Leibovitz 2 up
M. Wiley/B. Shanahan halved D. Hinckle/P. Shanahan
J. Lennon/K. Shanahan defeated J. Huffman/J.Phipps 4 and 3
2011 Lebber Cup - Eagle Rock Resort 

Team Lebber 7 – Team Flopacinski 2

Better Ball Results - Team Lebber 2.5 -.5
K. Shanahan/P. Shanahan (Lebber)  defeated B. Shanahan/W. Lopacinski (Flop) 1 up
D. Leibovitz/D. Hinckle (Lebber) halved J. Huffman/M. Wiley (Flop)
M. Noel/J. Lennon (Lebber) defeated  J.Phipps/J. Shanahan (Flop) 2 up
Singles Matches - Team Lebber 4.5 - 1.5

W. Lopacinski (Flop) defeated P. Shanahan (Lebber) 2 & 1

K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated B. Shanahan (Flop) 4 & 3

D. Hinckle (Lebber) defeated M. Wiley (Flop) 5 & 4

J. Huffman (Flop) halved D. Leibovitz (Lebber)

M. Noel (Lebber) defeated J. Phipps (Flop) 4 & 3

J. Lennon (Lebber) defeated J. Shanahan (Flop) 2 & 1

* No alternate shot necessary


2010 Lebber Cup - Eagle Rock Resort 

Team Flopacinski 9 – Team Lebber 3

Better Ball Results Team Flop 2 - 1
B. Shanahan/M. Wiley (Flop) defeated P. Bannon/P. Shanahan (Lebber)  3 & 2
D. Leibovitz/K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated J. Huffman/W. Lopacinksi (Flop) 1 up
J.Phipps/J. Shanahan (Flop) defeated D. Hinckle/J. Lennon (Lebber) 3 & 2 
Alternate Shot Results Team Flop 2.5 - .5
B. Shanahan/M. Wiley (Flop) defeated K. Shanahan/P. Shanahan (Lebber) 2 & 1
J.Phipps/J. Shanahan (Flop) defeated P. Bannon/D, Leibovitz (Lebber) 4& 3
D. Hinckle/J. Lennon (Lebber) halved J. Huffman/W. Lopacinksi (Flop) 
Singles Matches – 4.5 – 1.5

Jim Shanahan (Flop) defeated P. Shanahan (Lebber) 4&3

J. Phipps (Flop) defeated D. Hinckle (Lebber)  1 up

K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated W. Lopacinski (Flop) 2 up

J. Lennon (Lebber) halved J. Huffman (Flop)

B. Shanahan (Flop) defeated D. Leibovitz (Lebber) 6&5

M. Wiley (Flop) defeated P. Bannon (Lebber) 7 & 6


2009 Lebber Cup - Split Rock Country Club

Team Flopacinski 7.5 - Team Lebber 6.5

9 hole better ball match results: 2.5-1.5 Flopacinski
Lopacinski/Blake (Flopacinski) defeated Lennon/Noel (Lebber)
Hinckle/Ferraro (Lebber) defeated Huffman/B. Shanahan (Flopacinski)
J. Shanahan/Phipps (Flopacinski) halved P. Shanahan/Leibovitz
Wiley (Flopacinski) defeated K. Shanahan (Lebber)
9 hole better alternate shot results: 2.5-1.5 Flopacinski
Ferraro/K. Shanahan  (Lebber) defeated Huffman/Wiley (Flopacinski)
Lopacinski/Phipps (Flopacinski) defeated Noel/P. Shanahan (Lebber)
J. Shanahan/Blake (Flopacinski) halved Hinckle/Lennon (Lebber)  
B. Shanahan (Flopacinski) defeated Leibovitz (Lebber)
18 hole singles match results: 3.5- 2.5 Lebber
Jim Shanahan (Flopacinski) defeated Jason Lennon (Lebber)
Jerry Huffman (Flopacinski) defeated Matthew Noel (Lebber)
Patrick Shanahan (Lebber)  defeated Michael Wiley (Flopacinksi)
Bobby Ferraro (Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Flopacinski)  
Dan Hinckle (Lebber) halved Matt Blake (Flopacinski)
Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Will Lopacinski(Flopacinski)
2008 Lebber Cup - Blue Ridge Trail
Team Lebber 9.5 - Team Flopacinski 5.5
18 hole singles match results: 6- 1 Lebber
Jason Lennon (Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan (Flopacinski)
Matthew Noel (Lebber) defeated Dan Kim (Flopacinski)
Patrick Shanahan (Lebber)  defeated Will Lopacinski (Flopacinksi)
John Phipps (Flopacinski) defeated Dan Leibovitz (Lebber)  
Dan Hinckle (Lebber) defeated Brian Shanahan (Flopacinski)
Bob Ferraro (Lebber) defeated Steve Partridge (Flopacinski)
Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Flopacinski)
9 hole better ball match results: 2-2 Tie
Ferraro/K. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Lopacinski/Phipps (Flopacinski)
Hinckle/Lennon (Lebber) defeated Huffman/Kim (Flopacinski)
Partridge/B. Shanahan (Flopacinski) defeated Noel/Leibovitz
J. Shanahan (Flopacinski) defeated P. Shanahan (Lebber)
9 hole alternate shot results: 2.5-1.5 Flopacinski
Lennon/Hinckle (Lebber) defeated Lopacinski/Phipps (Flopacinski)
Partridge/B. Shanahan (Flopacinski) defeated Leibovitz/P. Shanahan (Lebber)
J. Shanahan/Huffman (Flopacinski) defeated Ferraro/K. Shanahan (Lebber)  
Noel (Lebber) halved Kim (Flopacinski) - conceded
2007 Lebber Cup - Bucknell Golf Club
Team Lebber 6 1/2 - Team Flopacinski 5 1/2
18 hole singles match results: 3-3 Tie
Jason Lennon (Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Flopacinski)
Jim Shanahan (Flopacinski) defeated Matthew Noel (Lebber)
Michael Wiley (Flopacinski) defeated Patrick Shanahan (Lebber)
Will Lopacinski (Flopacinksi) defeated Dan Leibovitz (Lebber)
Dan Hinckle (Lebber) defeated Steve Partridge (Flopacinski)
Kevin Shanahan (Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Flopacinski)
9 hole better ball match results: 2-1 Lebber
Lennon/Hinckle (Lebber) defeated Lopacinski/Partridge (Flopacinski)
Noel/P. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated J. Shanahan/Phipps (Flopacinski)
Wiley/Huffman (Flopacinski) defeated Leibovitz/K. Shanahan (Lebber)
9 hole better alternate shot results: 1.5 - 1.5 Tie
Lopacinski/Partridge (Flopacinski) defeated Lennon/Hinckle (Lebber) 
Noel/P. Shanahan (Lebber) defeated J. Shanahan/Phipps (Flopacinski)
Leibovitz/Shanahan (Lebber) halved Wiley/Huffman (Flopacinski)
2006 Lebber Cup - Eagle Rock Golf Resort 
Team Flopacinski wins 9 1/2 to 6 1/2 in the new format.  
August 4, 2006
Team Lebber - Patrick Shanahan, David Rosato, Jason Lennon, Matthew Noel, Dan Hinckle, Bob Ferraro, Kevin Shanahan and Dan Leibovitz.
Team Flopacinski - Dan Kim, Jerry Huffman, Gerard Rosato, John Phipps, Michael Wiley, Jim Shanahan, Jr., Will Lopacinski and rookie Brian Shanahan
2005 Lebber Cup - Eagle Rock Golf Resort
August 5, 2005
Known as: Do You Believe in Camelcles? YES!
Summary: Said Al Michaels, whose historic call on seventeen will go down as one of the great calls in broadcasting history, "the first word that came to mind was 'camel' as in Team Camel.  The second word was 'miracle.' Then those words became a question, 'Do you believe in camelcles? YES!."  Lennon's shocking half with Gerard Rosato leads Team Lebber to victory.  In a milder upset, Noel defeats Jimmy Shan after Lennon gets in Jimmy's head, using 66 of his 101 gorilla jokes during the round.  Mr. Lebo's dramatic chip-in on 18 leads to another half after he was down three holes. 

Turning Point: Mr. Lebo's chip-in on 18 and Phipps and Danny Kim being Phipps and Danny Kim on the back nine.   
Notable: Huff won the first nine holes in his match against Lebo, never accomplished in Lebber Cup play.  In Lebo's defense, new irons pretty much killed his golf weekend.  Team Lebber won in spite of Lebber Cup Ace Channy's absence.  Huff downed a bacon cheeseburger with 16 ounces of mayonnaise on it after the round.  Mr. Lebo nearly has a heart attack watching him eat the thing.  Tacky Team Flop tries to put some salve on its wounds by noting they have won the last two Stokers...reminded me of a little prep school kid losing a game of tag and telling the winner his daddy makes more money.  First Lebber Cup where the Stoker Champs went head to head (pun intended).  Pop-Pop returns to Team Lebber after four year layoff.  Danny Kim is 0-8 in the Lebber Cup. 
5 - 3 Team Lebber
Gerard Rosato (Team Flop) halved Jason Lennon (Team Lebber)
Matthew Noel (Team Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan (Team Flop) 2 & 1 
Kevin Shanahan (Team Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Team Flop) 6 & 5
Will Lopacinski (Team Flop) halved Mitch Leibovitz (Team Lebber)
Jerry Huffman (Team Flop) defeated Dan Leibovitz (Team Lebber) 9 & 7
David Jannetta (Team Lebber) defeated Dan Kim (Team Flop) 6 & 5
Michael Wiley (Team Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle (Team Lebber) 3 & 2
Bob Ferraro (Team Lebber) defeated Steve Partridge (Team Flop) 4 & 3 
2004 Lebber Cup - Great Bear Country Club
Known as: Floppy Seconds

Summary: In a stunning upset, Team Flop sweats out a win
at gnat infested Great Bear Country Club. The thrill of victory is only tainted
by Huff drinking a Cosmo after the round.

Turning Point: Huff dominates Noel but the telltale sign  was when
he drills a shot through a sequoia tree on 15 and lands it on the green. 
Huff proceeds to berate the tree for being in the line of fire.  After a
tough draw with Willy Lop,  adistraught Mr. Lebo laments to Lebo
on the ride up to Eagles Mere, "I lost my son's cup."  It sounds
Notable: Absent-minded Team Lebber Captain Rosato  thinks it's
a "great idea" to split up juggernaut Team Camel (good call).  Channy
sets the tone for the 2005 for coming back from 4 down to hand Danny
Kim his eighth Lebber Cup loss.


4 1/2 - 3 1/2  Team Flopacinski

Kevin Shanahan (Team Flop) defeated Bob Ferraro (Team Lebber) 8 & 7

Jerry Huffman (Team Flop) defeated Matthew Noel (Team Lebber) 5 & 3
Dan Leibovitz (Team Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Team Flop) 3 & 2
Will Lopacinski (Team Flop) halved Mitch Leibovitz (Team Lebber)

Jason Lennon (Team Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan (Team Flop) 3 & 2
Michael Wiley (Team Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle (Team Lebber) 3 & 2

Patrick Shanahan (Team Lebber) defeated Dan Kim (Team Flop) 1 up

Gerard Rosato (Team Flop) defeated David Rosato (Team Lebber) 7 & 6

2003 Lebber Cup - Eagle Rock Golf Resort

Known as: Team Camel Turmoil

Summary: In the closest match yet, other than Team Flop's win at Bucknell, the Flops play tough but lose by one match.

Turning Point: With the match tied at two apiece, Team Lebber's destiny lies in the hands of the buzzsaw that is Team Camel (Lennon and Noel). Noel dominates and leaves Danny Kim in the dust at 6 and 5, Jimmy Shan misses three putts within 5 feet with his 8 year old Bullseye putter. "Putting your hand in a blender, running head first into a wall, playing Team Camel in match play, there are just somethings you don't do in life" said Lennon.

Notable: Hinckle avenges his 2002 loss to Huff. Like a bird freed from a cage by not having to play his nemesis, Noel, Phipps pulls out a Lebber Cup win.

4 1/2- 3 1/2 Team Lebber
Gerard Rosato (Team Flop) defeated Pat Shanahan (Team Lebber) 5 and 4
Michael Wiley (Team Flop) defeated Dave Jannetta (Team Lebber) 2 and 1
Matthew Noel (Team Lebber) defeated Dan Kim (Team Flop) 6 and 5
David Rosato (Team Lebber) halved Will Lopacinski (Team Flop)
Jason Lennon (Team Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan (Team Flop) 3 and 2
Bobby Ferraro (Team Lebber) defeated Kevin Voss (Team Flop) 7 and 6
Dan Hinckle (Team Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Team Flop) 2 and 1
John Phipps (Team Flop) defeated Dan Lebo 2 Up

2002 Lebber Cup - Mill Race Golf Club

Known as: Mill Race Massacre

Summary: Team Flop steps up and pulls off two wins but suffers another embarassing defeat.

Turning Point: Jimmy Shan tries to rally his team with a gorilla dance on the eighth hole accompanied by eating pancake batter out of his ear. The ploy backfires and Lennon has new Jimmy Shan material for the remainder of the day.

Notable: In a budding rivalry, Huff avenges his 2001 loss to Hinckle. Phipps loses for the third consecutive year at the hands of his nemesis, Noooeeeelllll!

5-2 Team Lebber
Pat Shanahan (Team Lebber) defeated Michael Wiley (Team Flop) 6 and 4
David Jannetta (Team Lebber) defeated Dan Kim (Team Flop) 4 and 3
Will Lopacinski (Team Flop) defeated Dan Lebo (Team Lebber) 2 and 1
David Rosato (Team Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan (Team Flop) 2 and 1
Bobby Ferraro (Team Lebber) defeated Steve Partridge (Team Flop) 7 and 6
Jerry Huffman (Team Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle (Team Lebber) 2 and 1
Matthew Noel (Team Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Team Flop) 1 up

2001 Lebber Cup - Mount Airy Lodge

Known as: Return to Normalcy

Summary: In what was almost a complete sweep, Team Flop expresses its yearning for a return to the Mango shirts by it's play. The 1918 White Sox were less conspicuous.

Turning Points: Channy teeing it up on the first hole. Phillips suffered the worst defeat in Lebber Cup history at the hands of the Baby's arm, losing 8 and 7.

Notable: At the turn, David Rosato throws out the most quoted order in Lebber Cup history, "yeah 2 Coors Lights how ya doin'?"

7-1 Team Lebber
Pat Shanahan (Team Lebber) defeated Paul Chambers (Team Flop) 1 up
Bobby Ferraro (Team Lebber) defeated Michael Philips (Team Flop) 8 and 7
David Rosato (Team Lebber) defeated Michael Wiley (Team Flop) 2 and 1
David Jannetta (Team Lebber) defeated Will Lopacinski (Team Flop) 2 up
Dan Hinckle (Team Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Team Flop) 1 up
Matthew Noel (Team Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Team Flop) 2 and 1
Dan Lebo (Team Lebber) defeated Dan Kim (Team Flop) 1 up
Jim Shanahan (Team Flop) defeated Jason Lennon (Team Lebber) 4 and 3

2000 Lebber Cup - Bucknell Golf Club

Known as: "Do You Believe in Miracles?"

Summary: A stunning upset, Jimmy Shan uses cheezy antics to defeat Lebo and Willy Lop, getting 25 strokes somehow pulls off an upset over Lennon.

Turning Point: Is it really a defeat when your team is getting a combined 201 strokes?

Notable: Insult to injury, Team Lebber has to pile in 6 into Hinckle's car after the match. The stench of four hungover men in the backseat must have been unbearable.

4-3 Team Flopacinski
Michael Wiley (Team Flop) defeated David Rosato (Team Lebber) 2 and 1
David Jannetta (Team Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle (Team Lebber) 5 and 4
Jim Shanahan (Team Flop) defeated Dan Lebo (Team Lebber) 2 and 1
Will Lopacinski (Team Flop) defeated Jason Lennon (Team Lebber) 3 and 2
Kevin Shanahan (Team Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Team Flop) 4 and 3
Matthew Noel (Team Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Team Flop) 3 and 2
Pat Shanahan (Team Lebber) defeated Dan Kim (Team Flop) 3 and 2

1999 Lebber Cup - Center Valley Golf Club

Known as: "Center Valley Slashing"

Summary: Again, a fast start by Team Flop, but like trying to fit three Barn ladies in the hot tub late night, it just doesn't fit.

Turning Points: Already up 2-0, Hinckle defeats a stunned Jim Jr. and tosses his ball across a busy highway. After Willy Lop's quick start, Matty Noel turns to an uncomfortable Channy and says "don't worry, it's mathematically impossible for him to play like this for a full 18 holes." Channy goes on to win 2 and 1.

Notable: Willy Lop and Phipps employ a tacky strategy by refusing to tee off first on all 18 holes.

5-2 Team Lebber
Matthew Noel (Team Lebber) defeated John Phipps (Team Flop) 2 and 1
Pat Shanahan (Team Lebber) defeated Will Lopacinski (Team Flop) 2 and 1
David Jannetta (Team Flop) defeated Jason Lennon (Team Lebber) 2 and 1
Dan Lebo (Team Lebber) defeated Steve Partridge (Team Flop) 2 and 1
David Rosato (Team Lebber) defeated Dan Kim (Team Flop) 3 and 2
Dan Hinckle (Team Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan (Team Flop) 1 up
Michael Wiley (Team Flop) defeated Kevin Shanahan (Team Lebber) 3 and 2

1998 Lebber Cup - Eagles Mere Country Club

Known as: The Inaugural Lebber Cup

Summary: Lebber's braichild is a hit. Team Flop jumps out to an enormous lead, but the uncomfortable feeling of being ahead doesn't quite suit these lovable losers.

Turning Point: David Rosato, down three with four holes to go, rallies to defeat Will Lopacinski.

Notable: Huff sweats through his shirt completely leaving no dry spot whatsoever. Also, many say that is Partridge's Normanesque fold which caused his absence from the next two Stoker's.

5-2 Team Lebber
Pat Shanahan (Team Lebber) defeated Jim Shanahan (Team Flop) 3 and 2
David Rosato (Team Lebber) defeated Will Lopacinski (Team Flop) 1 up
Dan Lebo (Team Lebber) defeated Dan Kim (Team Flop) 3 and 2
Jason Lennon (Team Lebber) defeated Steve Partridge (Team Flop) 2 and 1
Kevin Shanahan (Team Lebber) defeated Jerry Huffman (Team Flop) 3 and 2
John Phipps (Team Flop) defeated Dan Hinckle (Team Lebber) 5 and 4
Michael Wiley (Team Flop) defeated Matthew Noel (Team Lebber) 6 and 5


Team Lebber (18-9)

Pat Shanahan 28-23-5
Matthew Noel 34-22-2
David Rosato 5-3-1
Dan Leibovitz 19-28-6
Dave Jannetta 3-1
Bob Ferraro 17-19-3
Kevin Shanahan 40-16-2

Dan Hinckle 31-24-7
Jason Lennon 31-19-5

Mark Farrell, Jr 4-2

Jaret Von Rosenberg 19-8-5

Tom Kanyok 5-4

Toebe Hinckle 9-8-1

Mitch Leibovitz 0-0-2

Frank Shanahan 3-2-1

Pat Bannon 0-3

 Total Record - 197-147-33

Team Flopacinski (9-18)

Michael Wiley 29-21-4
Jim Shanahan 34-26-3 
John Phipps 16-34-2

Brian Shanahan 19-22-2
Will Lopacinski 22-33-7

Jerry Huffman 18-34-6 

Gerard Rosato 6-6-1

Steve Partridge 3-7 
Dave Jannetta 2-0 
Dan Kim 1-11-1

Ernie Graham 7-11-3

Peter Libby 9-19-2

Matt Blake 1-0-2

Kevin Shanahan 1-0

Rob Werner 0-2-1

Mike Phillips 0-1

Paul Chambers 0-1

Kevin Voss 0-1

Joe Lopresti 4-1-1

Rob Baglio 3-13-3

Connor Schlegel 3-5

Dan Gianetto 2-0-1

Connor Shanahan 0-5-1

Wren Shanahan 2-1

Kane Gallagher 0-2-1

Andrew Phillips 1-1-1

Total Record 147-197-33